Character Design
Beer Clunk!
New Team
EN: Announcement of a New Team
NL: Aankondiging van een Nieuw Team
FR: Annonce d’une Nouvelle Équipe
Blow up things
EN: Campaign Concept Rough / Photography Brief
NL: Campagne Concept Rough voor / Fotografie Briefing
FR: Rough Concept Campagne / Briefing de Photographie
Spreading The Knowledge
EN: Illustration/Storytelling
NL: Illustratie/Storytelling
FR: Illustration/Storytelling
Cheese & Wine
EN: Cheese & Wine Invitation
NL: Kaas & Wijn Uitnodiging
FR: Invitation Fromage & Vins
Local Online Banking Campaign
EN: (Local) Online Banking Campaign
NL: (Lokale) Online Banking Campagne
FR: Campagne de Banquaire par Internet (Locale)
On Plonge!
EN: Caricature
NL: Karikatuur
FR: Caricature
Live Drawing of Brainstorm/Concept
Summer Fruit & Veg
Character Design / Cartoons
Gilles get new pants ("About time")
EN: Cartoon to announce that Folklore Carnival Group “Aalsterse Gilles”, get new pants ("About time")
NL: Cartoon om te melden dat Folklore Carnavalgroep “Aalsterse Gilles”, nieuwe broeken krijgt ("‘t Werd tijd!”)
EN: Cartoon annonçant que le groupe Folklorique de Carnaval “Aalsterse Gilles”, reçoit de nouveaux pantalons («Il était temps»)
Visual Harvesting
Visual Harvesting
Kamiel Sergeant getting Old
Model Drawing
Model Drawing
Model Drawing
Model Drawing
Model Drawing (studies)
Assisted in Rebranding Colruyt Stores (2012) (POS)
Rainbow Family
Character Design
Sausage Camp
EN: Sausage Campaign directed at Youth Camps
NL: Worstencampagne gericht op Jeugdbewegingen
FR: Campagne de Saucisses destinée aux Mouvements de Jeunnesse
To Beer or not to Beer
To Beer or not to Beer
Assisted in Rebranding Colruyt Stores (2012) & Redesign of Price Tags
Assisted in Rebranding Colruyt Stores (2012)
Assisted in Rebranding Colruyt Stores (2012)
Assisted in Rebranding Colruyt Stores (2012)
"Night Walk" Detail
EN: Inks were printed on a separate film
NL: Inkt werd gedrukt op aparte film
FR: Encre imprimée sur un transparant apart
"Pensive" Study
EN: Ink
NL: Inkt
FR: Encre
Older Comic "Alpha" pages 1 & 2
Older Comic "Alpha" pages 3 & 4
Older Comic "Alpha" pages 5 & 6
Older Comic "Alpha" page 7
EN: "Moving in together" campaign
NL: "Samenwonen" campagne
FR: Campagne "Emménager ensemble"
Architecture Study
Shoe (Photorealist Texture Study) in Pencil
Shoe (Photorealist Texture Study) in Acrylics
Fruit Study
Yet another… Lunch Hour Comic
EN: This comic was made during Lunch Hour (Max 30 min)
NL: Deze strip werd gemaakt tijdens de lunch pauze (Max 30 min)
FR: Cette BD a été créée pendant la pause de midi (Max 30 min)
Rough (Female Torso)
Rough (Male Torso)
Character Designs
Night Walk (Ink + Acrylics)
Some Caricatures